Corporate Crime
Coronial Inquests
Commissions of Inquiry
Intentional Torts
Professional Disciplinary proceedings
Regulatory Offences
Admitted as a Solicitor 2008 (UK)
Admitted to the Bar 2021 (NSW)
Paul was admitted as a Solicitor in the United Kingdom in 2008, practising in London and the North of England. He moved to Sydney in 2014 and joined the New South Wales Bar in 2021 after working as the head of Slater & Gordon’s New South Wales criminal law practice and as a Principal Lawyer / Solicitor Advocate at the New South Wales Crown Solicitor’s Office.
Paul has appeared as an advocate in criminal, quasi-criminal, civil and administrative law matters in New South Wales and other Australian jurisdictions, as well as in the United Kingdom, including trial and appellate work. He enjoys a diverse practice extending from complex commercial fraud matters, coronial inquests, regulatory prosecutions to high risk offender matters, intentional torts and criminal law matters generally.