Asset forfeiture
Criminal law
Corporate crime
Workplace, Health and Safety
Commissions of inquiry and inquests
Disciplinary and Regulatory proceedings
Admitted as a solicitor in 2013
Admitted as a barrister in 2020
Rajiv is an experienced advocate, having practiced for 10 years in criminal law and other related areas. He appears in trials as well as appeals against conviction and sentence in appellate jurisdictions.
Rajiv has also appeared before commissions of inquiry and inquests, in professional disciplinary proceedings and extradition proceedings. In addition, he has a developing practice and interest in Workplace, Health and Safety investigations.
Before coming to the Bar, Rajiv practiced as a Solicitor Advocate at a leading criminal defence firm specialising in white collar and corporate crime. There, he appeared as advocate and instructing solicitor in all jurisdictions in a range of serious and complex matters, including murder, sexual assault, large scale drug importation and money laundering. His practice included advising and appearing for individuals and corporations regarding liability across state and federal legislation.
Recent notable cases include:
- R v Pickering-Wilson [2022] ACTSC 353 – sentence proceedings for attempt to possess approximately 1kg of a border-controlled drug.
- R v Redmond [2022] ACTSC 125 and R v Redmond (No 2) [2022] ACTSC 295 – trial in relation to aggravated sexual assault offences, which were subsequently withdrawn following a plea to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
- R v Lucas (NSW Supreme Court, Button J, February to May 2022) (led by S Howell) – trial in respect of terrorism offence which resulted in a hung jury. Terrorism offence subsequently discontinued following no bill application.
- State of NSW v O’Sullivan (Preliminary) [2022] NSWSC 129 – application for interim supervision order pursuant to the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006.
- O’Connell v Director of Public Prosecutions [2021] NSWSC 1519 – successful appeal against conviction.
- R v QH [2021] ACTSC 284 – sentence in respect of forcible confinement and other offences.
- R v Cajina (ACT Supreme Court, Refshauge AJ, 5 November 2021) – sentence in respect of aggravated burglary offence.
- R v Souksavath [2021] NSWDC 458 – sentence in respect of robbery in company offence.
- State of NSW v Davis (Final) [2021] NSWSC 516 – application for extended supervision order pursuant to the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006.
- Chemaissem v R [2021] NSWCCA 66 (led by A Francis) – successful appeal against sentence.
- Parker v R [2021] NSWCCA 175 (led by A Francis) – appeal against conviction and sentence.
- R v Omigie (District Court of NSW, Culver DCJ, March – April 2021) – trial in respect of dangerous driving occasioning death and other related charges.
- R v Skillin (District Court of NSW, Lerve DCJ, 7 – 11 December 2020) – acquittal at trial in respect of aggravated break and enter offences.
- R v Reid (ACT Supreme Court, Loukas-Karlsson J, 23 – 27 Nov 2020) – acquittal at trial in respect of aggravated burglary offences.